Tee Up for Our Children 2021

Hole In One Sponsor

Play Sponsor

Happiness Sponsor

Singapore Children’s Society is proud to organise our fourth Charity Golf. The event was originally planned to be held in 2020 but with the uncertainty of COVID-19, we have postponed the event to Friday, 26 February 2021. It will continue to be held at the prestigious Singapore Island Country Club (Sime Course) Details are as follows:
Date: Friday, 26 February 2021
Time: From 12pm
Venue: Singapore Island Country Club (Sime Course)
All funds raised through this event will go towards running one of our 12 service centres, JYC @ Children’s Society.
JYC @ Children’s Society is a community drop-in centre which focuses on engaging children and youth meaningfully to develop their strengths, build their self-confidence and pre-empt a path of juvenile delinquency. Its key objective is to promote positive development in children and youth and reduce and prevent our children and youth from engaging in risky behaviours.
Utilising the Developmental Assets Framework, the Centre focuses on building assets in children and youth. It reaches out to children aged 9 to 12 at DEN (Discover, Empower, Nurture) @ JYC and youth aged 13 to 18 at GIG (Gain, Inspire, Give) @ JYC. In 2020, JYC hopes to reach out to 500 children and youth. Given the COVID-19 situation, engagement sessions are conducted via a mix of small group meetings as well as virtual sessions when the youth are unable to visit our centres physically.
To donate, click here
Video message by Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for Social and Family Development and Second Minister for Health for Singapore Children’s Society’s “Tee Up For Our Children 2021”
*Name has been changed to protect the identity of our beneficiary.