Anger is an emotion that everyone experiences. However, coping with anger can be particularly challenging for some children as they may not adequately understand feelings of anger and are not equipped with the skills to manage them effectively. The confusion and inability to express feelings of anger appropriately may lead to behavioural outbursts, bullying and other externalising or disruptive behaviours.

Join us in our Storm Riders programme to find out how our children can manage their emotions in a safe and healthy manner.

Programme Details

Session Dates: Total of 8 sessions 

(10am to 12pm)
31 May, 7 June, 14 June, 21 June 
(10am to 11.30am)
3 June, 10 June, 17 June, 24 June

Participants are strongly encouraged to attend all eight sessions to benefit from this programme.

Target Group: 9 to 12 years old
Platform: Zoom (details will be sent upon registration)​​​​​​

Sign up now at . Registration ends on 19 May 2021. Upon submission of this form, we will call you to know you and your child’s needs better. 

For further enquiries for this programme, please contact Community Services & Programme @ Children’s Society at 6448 6658 or 9111 5674.