Research Grants
Research Grants
Singapore Children’s Society hopes to encourage research projects related to family, children and youth. This includes, but is not restricted to, the following topics:
- Child abuse and neglect
- Childcare and parenting practices
- Marital issues (e.g., divorce, spousal violence, etc)
- Issues affecting service planning and provision
- Juvenile delinquency
- Schools/ education issues
- Other areas related to children and family
We provide grants amounting to $1,000 per study to support students pursuing research on issues related to family, children and youth at the Undergraduate and Honours levels. Applicants pursuing higher degrees (e.g., Masters, PhD, etc) may be considered for a higher quantum.
Please click here to view a list of frequently asked questions.
Please click here to view the list of the recipients.
- Students are required to conduct an original piece of research
- The study should add to our current understanding of families, children and youth in the local setting
- Expenses supported include transport allowances for field research, as well as material costs (e.g., duplication of survey questionnaires or purchase of research materials, etc)
Research Grant applications are open in three windows, January to February, April to May and September to October.
To apply for the Research Grant, please complete your personal details and grant proposal in Form A and Form B respectively. Please email the completed forms and relevant supporting documents to Ms Nabilah Mohammad at
For group applications and further enquiries, please contact Ms Nabilah Mohammad at:
Tel: 6276 5077
Fax: 6276 5075