Not being able to gather in large groups for this year’s National Day celebrations did not stop the residents of Sunbeam Place @ Children’s Society from donning their red and whites and enjoying the nation’s birthday on 9 August.

They kicked off their day watching the NDP 2021 Ceremonial Parade, singing along to National Day songs and taking in the flypast.

What’s a celebration without food? Thanks to their residential care staff, our residents got to play Singapore chef for the day, and learned to cook local delicacies such as chicken rice, nasi briyani, and nasi lemak.
“It was so interesting to explore more about our culture and heritage while preparing dishes loved by Singaporeans,” says a 14-year-old resident.

For the final part of the celebration, our residents took a walk down memory lane, diving into Singapore’s history through old photos of iconic locations, and reflecting on how Singapore’s façade has changed over the years.
But the party was not over. On Saturday 21 August, the residents came together again for the big finale – catching the actual National Day Parade on TV.
Happy 56th birthday, Singapore!