Early childhood development is a rigorously researched field that has given us valuable insights into how socially disadvantaged children can get left behind due to diminished opportunities for physical, social, and mental development, as compared to their peers. Without external help, disadvantaged children are likely to suffer from issues that will plague them later in life and hold them back from achieving their full potential.
However, not all hope is lost. The problem, now identified and studied, can be mitigated with the help of charity organisations in Singapore, government support, and donors from all walks of life. Read on to find out exactly how social inequalities affect child development, and what Singapore Children’s Society is doing to reduce this negative impact.
Poorer Academic Performance
Education is often thought of as one of the best ways to support and lift children out of financially unstable situations. Higher academic qualifications are correlated with better incomes and upward social mobility. However, the reality is that education is hardly the panacea to all the hurdles presented by economic and social handicaps.
In the hypercompetitive schooling system in Singapore, some children have better access to education compared to others, due to their family situation and background. Research has shown that disadvantaged students possess a lower rate of basic literacy as they enter primary school. This makes them fall behind their peers early on, and may engender negative associations with schooling and education. Many have issues at home, and do not always receive the same level of familial support. This also puts them at risk of engaging in undesirable behaviour, which may adversely affect their education and future.
The challenge for charity organisations is to bridge this gap and find ways to help disadvantaged students catch up with the rest. Singapore’s Children’s Society has an array of programmes that aims to help troubled youth meet their socio-emotional needs, build moral values, and aid them in improving academic performance.
Poorer Health
Children from lower-income households are more likely to experience a range of health problems. With financial issues, parents might not have the means to send their children to the clinics or hospital for treatment. When health is overlooked, standard of living will be lower and might lead to complications in the future
Children’s Society provides casework and counselling services for youth and families at selected centres, such as at Yishun Family Service Centre. We help low income families apply for subsidies, look for employment opportunities, and develop insights into their situations to empower them to regain stability and independence.
Many of the programmes that Singapore Children’s Society run depend heavily on donations from the public. The donations that you make to our charity are tax deductible as well.
If helping disadvantaged children, youth at risk, and low income families are causes you are passionate about, we encourage you to visit our website and our crowdfunding platform, Give2Children to find out more about how you can contribute and make a difference to the lives of our beneficiaries.
Less Access To Resources
Children from financially disadvantaged families also have lesser access to the very resources that can help provide a conducive environment to grow up in. For example, students from lower socio-economic backgrounds may not be able to afford tuition classes, or have environments conducive for online learning at home.
Children are the pillars of our future. By reaching out and helping the most disadvantaged of our youth, we are investing in our own community and the future of everyone.
If you’re interested in contributing to Singapore Children’s Society’s efforts to help disadvantaged children reach their fullest potential, we have tax relief donation schemes in Singapore where you can contribute in order to fund our various programmes and services. To find out more, visit our contact us page and let us know if you have any questions.