A Children’s Charity Organisation dedicated to bringing relief and happiness to children in need
Singapore Children's Society is a children charity that protects and nurtures children and youth of all races and religions. In 2022, the Society reached out to 21,559 children, youth and families in need. Established in 1952, its services have evolved to meet the changing needs of children. We are one of the few charity organisations in Singapore to build our own crowdfunding platform where interested groups and individuals can easily extend their financial donations or create charity fundraising campaigns with just a few clicks. This platform is a safe and integrated crowdfunding platform known as Give2Children and is accessible through our website.
Today, this children's charity operates more than 10 service centres islandwide, offering services in the four categories of: Vulnerable Children and Youth, Children and Youth Services, Family Services, and Research and Advocacy. Please visit our charity organisation’s website at www.childrensociety.org.sg to find out more.
Our Children’s Charity Services
Singapore Children’s Society is a charity organisation that is established to protect and nurture the welfare of children and youth across all genders, cultures and religious beliefs. Our programmes and services revolve around our 4 service categories below, which aim to provide preventive and rehabilitative services for our beneficiaries. Certain circumstances can sometimes hinder children and youth from achieving their goals in life. Thus, our children’s charity organisation aims to foster opportunities for children and youth by ensuring the availability of safer living environments, access to education, proper nutrition and more.
Our children’s charity organisation believes every child should have a voice and deserves to grow up in a healthy and conducive environment, free from neglect and abuse.
Our charity organisation strives to provide the best support for children, youth and families in need, in order for them to realise their full potential. We are committed to advocating for the welfare of children and youth, as well as building bridges of opportunities for our beneficiaries
Vulnerable Children and Youth
We provide fundamental care and guidance for children and youth who have been abused and/or severely neglected. Where suitable, and with each child’s best interests at heart, we collaborate with families to provide safe, stable, and permanent care.
Some children experience abuse and neglect in the early stages of their lives, which can cause them to feel helpless and vulnerable.
As a children’s charity, we carry out programmes and services tackling the issues the vulnerable children and youth face while helping to raise awareness and build a better world for them to live in.
Children and Youth Services
We care, nurture and inspire children and youth, to complement what their parents and guardians provide. Our children’s charity believes that every child and youth deserves to be in a secure environment that is equipped with the basic necessities. Their needs will evolve as they grow and as a children’s charity, we aim to help them by providing support to build up the skills they might need to realise their full potential.
Our charity organisation strives to build a safe environment for our children and youth to express themselves freely and have a voice.
Every child deserves access to proper education, as this will pave the way to a brighter future. Our children’s charity supports initiatives advocating the emotional, physical and psychological health of the children. We want to provide a holistic environment for the younger generation to thrive in.
Family Services
We support and strengthen families in need by working together with them to overcome a wide variety of challenges, including financial struggles, employment issues, and more. As a children’s charity organisation, we understand how important it is for a child to grow up in a secure and nurturing environment. It is essential for every child to have strong family support that they can depend on.
Some examples of our support include providing financial assistance, food rations and counselling support. We aim to provide continued support to these families and help them to build a safe and secure foundation, thus enabling them to live a fuller life.
Research and Advocacy
We are a voice for our children and their future. Our children’s charity constantly strives to meet the evolving needs of children, youth, and families in need in Singapore. Challenges to the well-being of children, youth and families remain, and continue to emerge in new forms. It is important for our preventive and developmental work in the community to continuously evolve so as to meet the changing needs of those we serve and advocate for. Guided by our research findings and observations from the ground, our charity organisation will continue to improve our programmes and services to stay relevant and make their lives as meaningful as possible.
Our Centres
Corporate Office
The Corporate Office is the administrative centre for the Society.
210 Middle Road #05-03
Singapore 188994
Our Children’s Charity Organisation at Work
Our charity organisation operates more than 10 service centres islandwide. Today we run various programmes and services catering to the four categories of: Vulnerable Children and Youth, Children and Youth Services, Family Services, and Research and Advocacy. As Singapore continues to develop as a prosperous and modern city state, our children’s charity will ensure that our programmes and services evolve and adapt in order to address any new challenges which may arise.
Having grown to become one of Singapore’s leading children’s charity organisations, we take pride in providing the best care and support for our beneficiaries. Equipped with trained professionals and relevant resources in our organisation, we have the capabilities to help our beneficiaries overcome their struggles.
With adequate support and services provided to our children, youth and families in need, our children’s charity is dedicated to making a positive impact on our beneficiaries, paving the path forward and enabling them to realise their dreams.
Below are the services centres operated by our charity organisation across the island.

Children Outreach @ Children's Society
Children Outreach @ Children's Society reaches out to children who are either not yet registered in a school or attending school regularly. Social service practitioners work with these children and their families and address barriers in order to help the children achieve regular school attendance. The Centre also supports children affected by incarceration by providing tele-visit facilities for these families and running programmes to encourage contact between the children and their incarcerated parents.

Community Services & Programmes @ Children’s Society
Community Services & Programmes @ Children’s Society reaches out to children, youth, schools, volunteers and corporate organisations in the community to promote children's well-being. The Centre develops and delivers programmes based on topics such as 'Resilience', 'Moral Values', 'Anger Management' and 'Working with Children'. It also runs an in-house children drop-in programme for those aged 9 to 12.

JYC @ Children's Society
JYC @ Children's Society is a community drop-in centre which focuses on engaging children and youth meaningfully to develop their strengths, build their self-confidence and pre-empt a path of juvenile delinquency. Its key objective is to promote positive development in children and youth and reduce and prevent our children and youth from engaging in risky behaviours.
The Centre reaches out to children and youth by providing them with a safe, friendly and non-judgemental environment, as well as by providing socio-emotional education. Utilising the Developmental Assets Framework, the Centre focuses on building assets in children and youth. It reaches out to children aged 9 to 12 at DEN (Discover, Empower, Nurture) @ JYC and youth aged 13 to 18 at GIG (Gain, Inspire, Give) @ JYC.

RoundBox @ Children’s Society
RoundBox @ Children’s Society is a youth drop-in centre that aims to promote positive development while reducing and preventing at-risk behaviour. The Centre uses the Sports and Arts (SPAR) Framework to reach out to youth in a supportive and nurturing environment. Youth are ingrained with positive character building values such as respect and responsibility, while developing skills and interests such as football, fitness and jam band.
The Centre also provides platforms for youth to showcase their talents through performances and friendly competitions. Other events and programmes include cooking and rock climbing workshops, home cleaning for the elderly, leadership programmes and performing at the Walk for Our Children event.

SSFR @ Children's Society helps children and young persons who have been placed in foster or institutional care to be reunified with their families, in a safe and timely manner.

Youth Service @ Children's Society
Youth Service @ Children's Society undertakes two youth-at-risk portfolios, namely the Integrated Service Provider (ISP) and Beyond Parental Control (BPC). The Centre conducts assessment for the youth and their families and puts up recommendations to the Police and the Youth Court respectively.
Its social service practitioners also work closely with the youth, their families and support systems to rehabilitate and encourage the youth towards a crime-free and prosocial lifestyle.

Student Service @ Children's Society
Student Service @ Children’s Society reaches out to youth in secondary schools through Project CABIN, a school-based after school drop-in programme, and advocates a bully-free culture in schools through the Bully-Free Programme. The Centre also provides the Tinkle Friend Helpline and Online Chat service, which is a national toll-free helpline and chatline respectively for primary school children in Singapore. It also manages the Appropriate Adult Scheme for Young Suspects, which includes recruitment, training and matching of suitable volunteers to support a child undergoing police interviews, and oversees the Vulnerable Witness Support Programme, which provides support for vulnerable children who are providing evidence in court.

Sunbeam Place @ Children's Society
Sunbeam Place @ Children's Society is a residential home and gazetted place of safety for children who have been abused and neglected and are in need of protection, or whose parents are unable to provide proper care.
The children’s welfare, safety and needs are at the centre of its care. The Centre provides a home-like and loving environment for children and youth aged between 2 and 21 years. It prepares our beneficiaries and their families for reunification through casework and counselling. For those who are unable to reunite with their families, Sunbeam Place @ Children's Society provides a wide range of programmes to develop their strengths and skills to help facilitate a smoother transition when beneficiaries are discharged from the Centre and on their own as youth adults.

The Fort @ Children's Society
The Fort @ Children’s Society is a drop-in centre that serves youth aged between 13 and 18. It focuses on developing and strengthening their skill set and talents, while building on their supportive network and cultivating positive traits. The programmes and activities are designed to suit the needs and trends of the youth.
Utilising the Positive Youth Development Framework, the Centre aims to develop the youth's strength in the 5Cs - Caring, Character, Competence, Confidence and Connection. Through its various services, the Centre seeks to become a resource hub for the young minds, while enriching them with engaging activities and providing the youth a safe, conducive and nurturing environment.

VOX @ Children’s Society
VOX @ Children’s Society is a drop-in centre that serves youth aged between 13 and 18. In modelling its intervention on the Positive Youth Development Framework, the Centre aims to impart the 5Cs – Caring, Character, Competence, Confidence and Connection – to the youth through developmental programme and sports. Youth who require more targeted help will be given the necessary support through casework and counselling.

Yishun Family Service @ Children's Society
Yishun Family Service @ Children's Society promotes stable family life through various services and programmes, with the primary focus of serving families and individuals, and helping them to achieve independence, stability and resilience. Some of its services include financial aid, casework and counselling, information and referral services, workshops, camps and programmes that focus on helping children in need. The Centre also runs Sunbeam Friends Club and children’s camps.
Give2Children is an online platform initiated by a children’s charity - Singapore Children’s Society. We are a charity organisation that protects and nurtures children and youth of all races and religions. Find an initiative you wish to support among our listed campaigns and extend your much needed help today!