Adam*, who previously worked in shipping, started his own F&B business which closed down due to various reasons, but in 2022, the family’s sole breadwinner and father of three eventually got a job as a hawker’s assistant, which meant working more hours for less money.

His two elder children were in primary school, and his youngest, Sam, was ready for preschool. But much as he wanted to give his son the opportunity, money was too tight for Sam to attend preschool regularly.
Knowing how much of a difference a solid early education can make to a child’s future success, Chan Jia Hui, a Social Worker at Children Outreach @ Singapore Children’s Society, reached out to Adam as part of our Pre-School Outreach Programme. The programme helps lower income families prepare their children for formal schooling.
“Jia Hui found a suitable pre-school that was nearby, so it was easier for my wife to send him to school. She also helped by speaking to the pre-school, so the school fees were made affordable for us,” he said.
Recognising that the family needed more help, the social worker visited regularly, and brought food vouchers to help with daily essentials. With Sam in school and adjusting well, his wife was free to take on part-time work as a cashier, adding to the family income. While Adam’s days are long – he gets home at 10pm – his children wait up to see him before going to bed. They know Daddy works hard to give them what they have, and are grateful for it.
This Father’s Day, Adam’s advice to all fathers is this: “Work hard to secure a good future for your children, be a positive role model, and spend as much time as you can with them’.
Jia Hui says she, too, has been inspired by Adam’s resilience, and determination.
“Adam is tenacious, and determined to make things work. His life experiences have not been easy, but he has the strength to keep going. He is living proof of the phrase ‘We may not have it all together but, together, we have it all’.”
Happy Father’s Day to all fathers out there. Thank you for giving fatherhood your very best.
*Name has been changed to protect the beneficiary’s identity
Click here to read the story in Chinese.