65th Anniversary Charity Gala Dinner

2017 marks a very special year for Singapore Children’s Society as we commemorate our 65th year of bringing relief and happiness to children, youth and families in need.

As the crown jewel in Children’s Society’s 2017 fundraising event line-up and in commemoration of our 65th anniversary, expect nothing less than a glamorous affair at our 65th Anniversary Charity Gala Dinner.

Details as follows:

Date:Thursday, 19 October 2017
Venue:Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore (Island Ballroom)
Guest-of-Honour:Mdm Halimah Yacob
President of the Republic of Singapore 
Time:6.30pm (Cocktail Session), Guests to be seated by 7.00pm

We promise you nothing short of a night of glitz and glamour replete with exquisite dining and exciting entertainment. We are pleased to have Broadway Beng, a multilingual stand-up comedy featuring an English, Mandarin and Hokkien-speaking character played by homegrown actor Sebastian Tan as the entertainment for this fundraiser. Come join us for an evening of merriment and help our children in need through the following avenues:

  • ​Event Sponsorship
  • Make a Donation and receive Dinner Table(s) / Individual seat(s)
  • Outright Donations

Invite or involve your business partners and friends in our cause. Table purchase, event sponsorships and outright donations will be entitled to 2.5 times tax exemption.

You may download the response form here.

For more information, please contact Ms Yasmin Niepelt on 6273 2010 or email yniepelt@childrensociety.org.sg. We invite you to embark on a journey in making a difference in a child’s life with us.