受益人呈献“达人秀” 庆儿童会成立 70 周年
Lianhe Zaobao © SPH Media Limited. Permission required for reproduction.
The article below shared more about our annual talent show take took place at Sunbeam Place @ Children’s Society on 16 April 2022. This event also marked the start of Singapore Chidlren’s Society’s 70th Anniversary Celebrations. It was especially meaningful and symbolic given that it was one of the first major projects of Children’s Society. Started as a Convalescent Home in 1956, it provided basic shelter, comfort, and relief to children during the post war years of Singapore so that malnourished children had a safe place to receive adequate care. It was later renamed as Sunbeam Place in 2006 to reflect the change in the focus of the Home, moving away from medical convalescence to taking care of children who were abused and/or severely neglected.
The event saw Sunbeam Place residents taking our Guest-of-Honour President Halimah Yacob through a heritage exhibition showcasing the history of the Home. Sunbeam Place residents also put up spectacular singing, dancing and music performances for guests which include some of our corporate partners, donors as well as staff members. A short tour of the computer lab was conducted by Amazon Singapore which revamped and refurbished the lab recently.
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